An attack (I suspect the writer is well-intentioned, though) on a religion NOT Islam but claims to be of the same heritage. Some Muslims seem to believe that the Qur'an is some sort of book quoted directly from Muhammad when it is composed of scraps of leather, and papyrus and wood that sayings alleged to be from Muhammad were gathered from wherever they could be found and put together by a relatively small group of men who built a religion based on Muhammad long after he died then added the Hadiths, teachings and legal decisions to 'explain' the writings in the Qur'an. The same that was done to Jesus. This is not an attack on Islam or the Qur'an (which I have read in English just as I've read the OT and NT of the Bible and learned the actions some men took long after Jesus died, and Muhammad died, and built organized religions on their names).
The stories in the Qur'an were largely taken from the Jewish Bible, what we refer to as the OT and both contain profound wisdom and teachings in how to live a moral, God loving life. The fact that much of the OT contains stories common throughout the ancient world but adapted to suit certain purposes and that the Book of Proverbs takes much of its wonderful content directly from scrolls used to educate Pharoah's sons are simply ignored isn't admitted openly in a church, synagogue or mosque doesn't change their importance.